Okay, so the concept behind #TBT is mostly about posting photographs from your past, but since I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging and redesigning my website this week, (which I’m not allowed to do until edits for my current manuscript are DONE,) I’m bending the rules a tad by posting my very first blog post ever!

The date? September 20, 2005, aka, a seriously long time ago.

The place? Livejournal…is that still popular or has it suffered the same fate as MySpace?

The topic? My fear of posting my very first blog post ever. Clever.

So here it is, my Throw Back Thursday, blog style:



Last May, I had no clue what ‘blogging’ meant.

Is it blowing your nose while jogging?  Clogging around the block?  Is a ‘blogger’ a blonde lumberjack working for a Swiss logging company?

Thank God my writing buddy/mentor Pam Smallcomb was around to gently whisper the true meaning in my ear.  An online journal, huh?  Cool!  I can do that!  So, after taking a blogging class by Lara Zeises in July, I decided to start one of my own.  In September, once the kids went back to school.

But now it’s September 20th.

Why did it take me twenty days to start?  Because of this.  The first entry.

I’m serious!

I have lots of ideas on what to write later, all jotted down in my little notebook, but this first entry has me completely worried.  What should I say?  How do I start?  Do I give my life story, or a quick hey, hello, welcome to my blog, please tune in tomorrow?

But, rather than sit around and sweat this for ANOTHER twenty days, I’m going to dive right in and get on with it.  So, allow me to formally introduce myself.


My name is Laura Bowers.  I write mostly young adult novels and my first book, Beauty Shop for Rent, will be coming out in Spring 2007 with Harcourt.  I like: horseback riding, archery, baseball (the GREATEST sport ever,) reality TV (so addicted,) chilly fall weather, hugs from my husband and watching my children grow.  I don’t like: noisy eaters, sauerkraut (what IS that stuff,) hot, humid weather, being away from my husband and knowing my children will be grown before I know it.

Whew!  My first journal entry is officially completed.  Now, all I have to do is post it.  Post the sucker and get it over with.  Just hit the update button . . . any minute now . . . yep, just hit that button, girl . . .


Actually, that really was kind of clever. And the blonde lumberjack part made me chuckle.

So what’s changed in my life since that first entry 9 1/2 years ago?

Well, I’m still friends with Pam, who I love and adore. *Big waves, Pam!!* I still love and adore Lara Zeises, but we sadly haven’t seen each other in, what…four years? Five? *Big waves, Lara, we simply must reconnect because I miss you!* I still write mostly young adult, although I’m currently shopping a mid-grade. And I miss those lovely characters from Beauty Shop for Rent.

Now, about my Likes. Horseback riding? Good grief, my horses are now fat and happy pasture ornaments since I haven’t ridden in years. Archery? I only shoot my bow about once a year with my eldest son. Running is now my hobby which has led to a very expensive runDisney addiction. I still think baseball is the GREATEST sport ever, however, as is Project Runway (or anything involving Tim Gunn,) and hugs from my husband who I’ve now been married to for almost 21 years.

My dislikes? Noisy eaters still make me cringe but I think maturity has made me more mellow. Well, at least I try to be mellow. Sauerkraut? Yuck, I still can’t get beyond the smell, but at least I know what’s it in now. Hot, humid weather? After the crappy, long winter we’ve had, I will gladly welcome it and I hereby vow to not complain about running in the heat. Being away from my husband? Yeah, I’ll still keep him.

Knowing my children will be grown before I know it?

Oh my gosh. That was the truest thing of my entire post because my boys are both now in college making me a semi-empty nester–something that both intrigues me over my new phase in life … and totally breaks my heart. I desperately miss them.

So there you have it, my #TBT first post ever. Now what about you?

QOTD: What was your first blog post about? How much in your life has changed since then?

Have a happy day!

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