I so appreciate those who have continually had faith in my writing abilities, even when I was doing nothing to earn it. My husband. My kid. My mom, dad, and …

Laura Bowers: Writer, Reinvented
Invent. Reinvent. Choose Yourself.
I so appreciate those who have continually had faith in my writing abilities, even when I was doing nothing to earn it. My husband. My kid. My mom, dad, and …
It’s September 16, 2023, so it seems like a good time to revisit an article I posted back on September 16, 2015 regarding a post I had come across on …
Oh my gosh, how could I have missed this??? The following lovely book trailer was created by Lee’s Summit High School Library Media Center one year ago and narrated by Sandy Stuart: …
I’ve been tagged by the lovely, super-awesome Edie Hemingway to participate in a fun Children’s/Young Adult Author Blog Hop! Edie is the author of ROAD TO TATER HILL, a heartbreakingly …
Happy Friday, everyone! Some fabulous writers have given me the honor of doing interviews on their blogs recently. (This is why I love the children’s book genre–because most authors are …
If there ever was a good reason for me to start blogging again, it’s this: The galleys for my second book, JUST FLIRT have arrived!! Wow. When I look at …