Yes, rewrite is done! Still needs some tinkering and I don’t think I’ll ever feel totally 100% finished with a manuscript, but for today, I’m calling it DONE!
Big, big sigh of relief.
Now I need to send the hummer out to my editor.
Big, big shiver of anxiety.
But my darling husband gave me an early Congrats to You present on Tuesday night by taking me here . . .

. . . The Hippodrome Theatre in Baltimore that is so GOR-GE-OUS inside, (wish I would have taken pictures,) to see . . .

. . . Legally Blonde . . .

. . . and dress in something other than jeans or sweats!
I absolutely LOVED it, just as much as the movie. Might have been nice if the woman in front of me wasn’t a bobblehead who tilted to the right . . . then tilted to the left . . . then back to right every five seconds, but it was a great night. And, it makes me even more determined to see a Broadway musical at least once in my life. Maybe this May, when the BEA is back in New York, perhaps?
If so, this is what I would love to see . . .

Ah, one can dream!