It’s been a crazy week.

Seriously crazy and while I did get some work done on a manuscript, it wasn’t good work because my mind has been pulled in so many direction. I hate not doing good work. It makes me feel lost. Chaotic. Incomplete because I haven’t been living my authentic life lately. Regretful over how much time has passed since I sold my last book. Pissed off because I know I’m capable of accomplishing more but this week, I allowed doubt, fear, procrastination, and my crazy schedule get in the way.


Stop. Take a breath.

Motivational Videos for Writers

It’s all good, breathe, just breathe because it’s Friday … thank God for that, and tomorrow is a brand new day with a blank slate and glorious do-over possibilities. So for now, I’m going to sit back, clear out the negativity running rampant in my head and get a huge dose of inspiration by watching these …

Five Motivational Videos for Writers

I hope they help you as well!

The next one isn’t writer-specific… but pretty damn awesome.

QOTD: Do you have a favorite video, song, or image that inspires you? If so, please share in the comments below!

Happy writing!

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