Have you ever dreamed for, worked for, and prayed for something to happen for so, so long, that when it finally does, it doesn’t quite sink in at first and when the shock wears off, you’re nervous about announcing it?
Well, I’ve dreamed, I’ve worked, and I’ve prayed for something. And yes, I must admit that I’m kind of nervous about saying how . . .
I SOLD MY SECOND BOOK, woo-hoo-HOO!!!!!!!
(Okay, maybe I’m not that nervous after all. 🙂
But I am excited, thrilled, and very, very grateful to share the announcement from yesterday’s Publisher’s Weekly:
Author of BEAUTY SHOP FOR RENT Laura Bowers’s NINE RULES OF FLIRTING, in which a secret blog brings a summer of lies, lawsuits, and love to a self-proclaimed Superflirt, a judgmental outcast, and a boyfriend-stealing bully, to Beth Potter at Farrar, Straus Children’s by Rosemary Stimola at Stimola Literary Studio.
Words cannot truly express how I feel. Let’s just say that I’ve worked on NINE for so long, and we’ve been through so much that I feel a special kinship with this book–sort of like how I was extremely bonded with my youngest son after we went through a difficult childbirth.
Okay, I better stop before I get too deep.
But thank you, thank you, Rosemary Stimola and FSG!!!