1. Has it really been twenty-one day since my last post? Wow, April is just flying by. And if you were to get a glimpse inside my head, you’d see this:

2. Only five more days until my fortieth birthday.
3. Not that I’m worried or anxious or anything . . .
4. Well, maybe just a teeny tiny bit.
5. And now that I’m FINALLY somewhat caught up on paperwork at the office, dinner is already prepared, laundry is done and my kids have no baseball tonight, I’m running away to the coffee house to edit, edit, EDIT! (Hmm, wonder if I can finish this rewrite by next Tuesday? Doubt it.)
Have a great weekend!
Happy (almost) birthday! 🙂
Thanks, I had a great birthday. And now, it’s on to my next forty-plus years . . . and finishing my next book!
I hope all is fantastic on your end!
Take care,