So, while working at my favorite coffee shop yesterday, I had a conversation with Edgar Allan Poe about NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month. I asked him if he thought it was crazy for me to even think about signing up, seeing as how I also have a midgrade to rewrite per an editor’s notes, (a head to toe and all crannies in between rewrite,) as well as another midgrade to finish. And we’re going to Disney again for the Wine & Dine Half Marathon. And there’s Thanksgiving to cook/clean for. And Christmas to get ready for early since my son is getting major surgery in December. And I’ve been swamped with my two other jobs.
And seriously, why oh why is NaNo held in November, a busy holiday month? Why not January or September? Those would be awesome months!
Still, even with all the craziness, I want to try NaNo again. Why? Because I absolutely love the notion of sweating out a novel with so many other writers. The whole creative energy. The camaraderie.
But it’s crazy, right?
Well, the first thing Mr. Poe told me was to not post the above photo of me because, wow, it’s so not flattering which, sure, is very true but it’s all I got. #yesIfiltered
Then he reminded me of something he said a long time ago:
So … does that mean Poe thinks NaNoWriMo should be a heck no for me right now because it’s crazy, I’ll only fail? Huh. That doesn’t sound very Poe-ish.
Or is Poe saying NaNo should be a go-go because life’s to short not to enjoy being crazy? Yeah, that definitely feels more his style.
So okay, despite he fact that it’s the absolute WORST TIME to take on another project, I’m going for it. Again. Maybe I’ll only have time to write at night, maybe I’ll fail, but whatever, it’s all good …