
Like, in less than two days.

Holy cow.

I’m not ready. SOOOOO not ready. My mom gave me the sweetest presents, though … chocolate and these yummy dry eraser markers for my plotting chart! I love the pink one and as soon as I’m finished with this post, I’m going to redo and finish my chart with the prettiest colors. Chocolate + colors = happy plotting.


And I’m SO IN LOVE with the new title for my young adult novel, something that came to me early yesterday morning. It fits so well with my main character and the theme of the freedom of self-acceptance through compassion.

Speaking of theme, I made up this collage for my vision board as a reminder:

Self Acceptance Quotes

And who won’t be needing this reminder throughout November?


My biggest inspiration, however, comes from this image of Kathrine Switzer at the 1967 Boston Marathon:

Image from
Image from

And with that, me and my chocolate and pink plotting marker better back to work. Happy plotting, all my fellow NaNoWriMo’ers! 🙂

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