Many thanks to the wonderful teachers and students at New Windsor Middle School for welcoming me to their classroom yesterday! I did three presentations and I have to confess I was BEYOND nervous at first! But the kids were great and–praise the Lord–the Power Point file my youngest son helped me create worked. (Thanks also to Pam and Rick!!!)

This is me showing the class a picture book dummy I made in 1999 on my long road to publication. I was sure to explain that while my story was a dummy–that’s not why it’s called that. 😉

(Notice the light bulb over my head?)

Me reading from BEAUTY SHOP FOR RENT. The coolest part of the day? A bunch of kids after my second presentation wanted autographs. I felt like a star!

Lessons learned?

1. Just because you’re given a time limit DOES NOT mean you need to talk a thousand miles an hour!

2. Have pictures of your work area/desk in your Power Point presentation. Kids love seeing where you write.

3. Talk about books you loved when you were a kid. A bonus? Bring the books in if you still have them.

3. DO NOT drink a 32-ounce soda before your last presentation. I mean, honestly. What was I thinking?

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