Seeing as how my upcoming novel is set in a beauty shop where Granny Po and the Gray Widows are always getting their hair repaired, I thought I’d share some of my own hair lessons learned over the years!

Go ahead . . . have a laugh!

Lesson One:

Always make sure your hair ribbons are even before getting your school photograph taken. Do NOT leave it to the photographer!

Lesson Two:

Do not, I repeat, do NOT let some beauty shop butcher give you a pixie cut. Honestly. I looked like a boy.

Lesson Three:

My feathered/mullet days. Oh, and the makeup? What can I say–I was bored. And the lesson learned? Don’t use blue mascara to separate your faces because it’s hard as all get-out to take off.

Lesson Four:

Girls, this is proof you should never beg your mother to give you a home perm. This is after we went through a bottle of shampoo and conditioner! (Mom – I loves ya. And yes, my scalp has finally stopped burning.)

Lesson Five:

If you happen to be on a catamaran in Aruba and your hair just happens to spiral up into one huge tornado, be sure to smile for the camera(s.) That a girl!

Lesson Six:

All you brides-to-be, do NOT wear a trendy hairstyle on your wedding day, okay? Otherwise, fourteen years later, your dining room walls will be covered with pictures of you sporting three-inch, White Rain lacquered bangs.

Lesson Seven:

Some women simply do not look good with blond hair. Cher. Angelina Jolie. Laura Bowers. This is the only photo I have of this highlight mess, thank goodness. As soon as we got back from our camping trip, I dyed it back and vowed to respect my stylist’s opinion!

Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed my past hair disasters!

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