… it’s been a while since my last blog post! I hope all is wonderful on your end and that you’ve been surviving this insane year!
We’ve been doing well and it feels great to be blogging again, no matter how few people are actually reading this. 😉 Turned out, taking a break from social media was one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a long time.
Such a good thing.
Of course, all the plans I’ve made for myself during this break, (and your plans as well,) have been thrown a massive curveball called 2020 … and what’s really sad about this meme is that it still doesn’t cover everything!

But along with the bad, good things have also happened on our end that I’m thankful for. Our business is surviving, we’ve had some amazing family time and fun at the beach, and we’ve grown even closer with our kids!
Speaking of kids, my eldest finished college and is set to graduate with his second bachelor’s degree in December, and my youngest? HE GOT MARRIED!!

The wedding was simply perfect: small, intimate, and charming. They’re still going to have their larger postponed celebration next June, but they wanted to get married this year and they couldn’t have done it in a better way!
We just adore his wife, Kimberly, who has the most AMAZING parents and friends! We’ve all felt like family for a long time now and I’m tickled pink that it’s official now.
Oh, the fun times to come!

I’ve also found my voice again.
It’s been gone for a long time and no matter how many times I’d jump back into writing, I just could never find it. My voice even felt lost over at Joyful Miles, a place that’s felt like home for four years. That was my main goal … to rediscover my passion, find my mojo, and fall in love with writing again!

Okay, maybe I’m not as enthusiastic as this guy, LOL! And my creative courage still isn’t at 100%, I’m still trying to summon up the guts to start an Authortube channel and poor Joyful Miles is somewhat stagnant, although I put together a quick video about my Frederick Virtual Half Marathon experience and I was invited to participate in a fun video with some dear friends!

Oh my gosh, I was rusty and I didn’t realize I had left all my good equipment at the beach! But it felt amazing to share my voice again, however rusty it may be, and I can’t wait to share their video when it’s done!
So I’m thankful for taking the time during the past seven months withdrawing socially. I needed to refill my creative well by working on my novel, journaling, doing TONS of meditating, taking lots of walks, and writing morning pages like a madwoman, as well as blog posts. I have around 28 blog drafts written for here, ready to go!
Oh, and I’ve started Milwordy on October 1st that has been gorgeously kickstarted by Kate Cavanaugh! She and many other writers are taking on the challenge to write one million words in one year … yes, ONE MILLION, starting September 1, 2020!
I was really intrigued by this notion … but I knew it wasn’t realistic for me. The intimidation factor alone would make it too stressful. So I really loved the modification that Camille Myrick came up with. She’s going to write 500,000 words and read 500,000! My reading has been slacking, so I jumped in and started on October 1st, seeing as how things were too chaotic in September with Cooper and Kimberly’s wedding!
More on Milwordy later, since that topic is a whopper. Until then, thank you for reading this post and be sure to let me know how you’re doing in the comments! Take care!